Hook for creating an NFT, accessing the active process step as well as the transaction hash
import { CreateNftStep, useCreateNFT } from '@liteflow/react'
export default function Component() {
const signer = undefined // type of "Signer & TypedDataSigner" Get the signer from the wallet. Need to be an Ethers Signer (
const [createNFT, { activeStep, transactionHash }] = useCreateNFT(signer, {
uploadUrl: 'Your liteflow upload URL',
const handleClick = async () => {
const isLazyMinted = true
await createNFT(
chain: 1, // chainId of the network to mint on
collection: '0x0000', // address of the collection to use
supply: 1, // supply of the asset (only needed for ERC1155)
royalties: 5, // royalty expressed in percentage (eg: 5%)
metadata: {
name: 'Azuki #1', // name of the NFT
description: 'Take the red bean to join the garden.', // description of the NFT
attributes: [
{ type: 'Head', value: 'Cap' },
{ type: 'Body', value: 'Samurai' },
], // Array of traits associated to the NFT
media: {
content: azukiImage, // content file uploaded by the user
preview: azukiImagePreview, // preview in the case of private or animation content uploaded by user
isAnimation: false, // set to true if content file is a video. Require to set preview
isPrivate: false, // set to true if content is private. Require to set preview.
return (
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.INITIAL && (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Create NFT</button>
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.UPLOAD && <p>Images are uploading</p>}
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.LAZYMINT_SIGNATURE && (
<p>Please sign transaction for lazy mint in wallet</p>
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.LAZYMINT_PENDING && (
<p>Transaction for lazy mint is pending</p>
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE && (
<p>Please sign transaction in wallet</p>
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.TRANSACTION_PENDING && (
<p>Transaction is pending</p>
{activeStep === CreateNftStep.OWNERSHIP && <p>Verifying ownership</p>}
{transactionHash && <p>Transaction hash is {transactionHash}</p>}
signer: Signer & TypedDataSigner, // Ethers signer:
Return values
chain: ChainId
collection: Address
supply?: number
royalties?: number
metadata: {
name: string
description: string
attributes?: { traitType: string; value: string }[]
media: {
content: File
preview?: File
isAnimation: boolean
isPrivate: boolean
}, lazymint: boolean) => Promise<string>, // createNFT function
activeStep: CreateNftStep, // steps of the NFT creation process
transactionHash: string | undefined // returns the transaction hash after transaction has been placed on the blockchain
Function to create an NFT. It returns the created NFT ID.
chain: ChainId, // The chain to mint the asset on
collection: Address, // The collection to mint the asset on
supply?: number, // The supply of the asset. If not set, the asset will be minted as a 1 of 1 even for ERC1155
royalties?: number, // The royalties to set on the asset expressed in percentage (eg: 5%)
metadata: {
name: string, // The name of the asset
description: string, // The description of the asset
attributes?: { traitType: string, value: string }[] // The attributes of the asset
media: {
content: File // Content for the asset
preview?: File, // Preview of the asset (if the content is private or an animation)
isAnimation: boolean, // Set the content as animation
isPrivate: boolean, // Set the content as private so only owners will be able to read it
The status of the transaction as an enum CreateNftStep
executed in this order. Once the NFT creation has been complete the state returns to CreateNftStep.INITIAL
enum CreateNftStep {
INITIAL, // Default
UPLOAD, // Upload has started
LAZYMINT_SIGNATURE, // Asking signature for lazy mint (only for lazy mint)
LAZYMINT_PENDING, // Lazy mint is pending (only for lazy mint)
TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE, // Transaction has been initiated (only for normal mint)
TRANSACTION_PENDING, // Transaction is pending (only for normal mint)
OWNERSHIP, // Ownership is being verified (only for normal mint)
The hash of the blockchain transaction of the created NFT. This is only accessible after the approval of the transaction (after CreateNftStep.TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE